As she looked in the mirror, she didn’t recognize the woman looking back at her.
Who is this woman and why does she look so worn out?
Maybe if she wipes off the mirror, she’ll be able to see clearer?
Does she believe she is worth the fight,
or is she going to accept they are right?
The battle she keeps losing over and over, feels like she has lost for good;
but that flame in her heart won’t let her give up just because she is misunderstood.
So, she gives herself permission to rest,
because she knows it will help her take the next steps.
As the flame slowly burns in the night,
there is a small nudge saying. “You ARE worth the fight.”
It is just warm enough so she can’t forget,
the dreams she once had that are waiting at the foot of her bed.
The warmth reminds her of how far she’s come,
and the beauty that is waiting for her when the rest is done.
This is not the time to give up!
This is the time to push through!
When she is done resting,
the flame will be there to encourage her to follow through.
One foot in front of the other is good enough for now.
Just remember she is resilient and determined to never allow her flame to go out.
She knows her worth and understands she has a responsibility to get up, show up, and let others see their worth too!
The stranger in the mirror is only a mirage because,
this resting warrior is getting ready to put on her camouflage.
When she awakes, she’ll be prepared to inspire,
and they will build a bonfire for all to admire.
They’ll light up the world so bright,
others will wonder what’s happening tonight.
Yet this evening she will rest,
and the flame will keep her warm while she resets.
Don’t underestimate this woman,
because when she is ready to ignite her fuse,
she will come prepared wearing comfortable shoes!
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