Uncertainty caused me to stay stationary, too scared to see what’s on the other side,
and worried about leaving and not being able to go back if the grass really isn’t greener.
What I didn’t realize is that the grass was never green to begin with.
It wasn’t watered or manicured.
It was only walked on over and over.
Was it even grass at all?
When I looked at it from an aerial view, all I could see was dirt.
Of course! That is why I feel so hurt.
Here I am stuck in mud,
It has rained, stormed and thundered,
Which has caused me to wonder,
Why am I still here?
Why do I settle for dirt, when I could have grass?
Now that I am aware of this mess, I need to change my address.
Why settle for dirt when I can have grass.
Why settle for grass when I can have a garden.
A garden I can nurture, water, and feed.
I can smell the flowers at my own speed.
It is time for me to feel alive, and I can make this garden thrive.
Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay
Just take note this is where I plan to stay.
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