Do you ever have those crazy dreams and think, “What in the world does that mean?” “Why did I dream that?” I’d love to help you out a little with this article.
I’ve always been an extremely vivid dreamer and I can remember my dreams going all the way back to five years of age. I would have dreams where I was flying, or being with my family and a scary monster just appeared out of the blue. Then, as I got older, my dreams became premonitions and I would know exactly how a conversation was going to progress because I dreamed about it already. After that, I started into movie-like dreams. Sometimes, there would be pinching or biting and I would wake up feeling the residuals.
Dreams are so important to me because they often have meaning. I believe we are all more connected than it appears and dreams can be a pathway to explore this. As an adult, I became interested in what my dreams actually meant. I often write down my dreams and look them up so I can understand what the different “symbols” actually mean.
A “symbol” in a dream is a house, an animal, a car, and so on. While writing down the dreams and finding the symbols, I would add in how I felt and what I was doing. For example, if I dreamed about a car, I’d also note if I was driving or a passenger, who was in the vehicle with me, whether it was a truck, bus or car, and if it was driving erratically or smoothly. All of these factors can tell you what your subconscious is absorbing throughout the day. Although you might be consciously unaware of your thought patterns, decoding your dream can bring you clarity.
I now have people come to me and say, “Can you interpret this dream?” When I do, I see clarity all over their faces. It’s like a psychic reading but they are the ones bringing me their situation and I am interpreting their subconscious. It is super cool!
Why write down your dreams? I believe it is great to contemplate what we are taking in without being conscious of it. It’s good to reflect on your surroundings and think about things that happened during your day that might have seemed insignificant at the time.
- Your dreams will tell you what you may not know about what transpired that day. Sometimes, you are so preoccupied with something that you might disregard a slight from someone because it didn’t directly affect your goals for the day. You might have felt bad for a second or two but you moved on. But, your mind and body don’t forget.
- Maybe something from the past is still nagging at you but you aren’t fully aware of it. Your subconscious knows and will remind you in a dream.
- You might need some clarity with a decision and your dreams may help you sort through it.
We want to pay attention to our dreams so we can be fully aware of how our mind and body are reacting to our decisions and how we are responding to the world around us.
If you are interested in understanding your dreams, I suggest you get a copy of “10,000 Dreams Interpreted“ by Pamela J. Ball. The explanations are spot on and there are so many explanations that other books bypass. I challenge you to write down your dreams for the next five nights, buy the book, and interpret your dreams the best you can. You may be surprised what your subconscious is taking in and you can be aware of what your mind is soaking up. It’s a pretty cool experience!
To get you started, here are some common dream topics and what they mean according to Ball’s book.
Falling outlines the need to be grounded or to take care within a known situation. To dream of falling shows a lack of confidence in our own ability. We may feel threatened by a lack of security, whether real or imagined. We feel we are slipping away from a situation or somehow losing our place. This can be because of others’ negative influence.
Being Chased
Being chased usually means we are trying to escape responsibility, our own sense of failure, or fear or emotions we can’t handle. It can also mean we are trying to escape from something previously repressed, such as childhood trauma or difficulty. To be chased by an animal generally indicates we have not come to terms with our own passion.
Dying or Death
Traditionally, to dream of death indicates the possibility of a birth or a change in circumstances in one’s own life or that of people around you. Death causes fear in many people but it might also represent calamity, often in a sense that things will never be the same again. Just like death, this issue might be something that must be experienced and endured rather than understood or controlled.
In these present times, as attitudes change, death in a dream indicates a challenge we must confront. We need to adjust our approach to life and to accept that there can be a new beginning if we have courage to face it.
Teeth might stand for aggressive sexuality, although more properly they signify the growth process towards sexual maturity.
Teeth falling or coming out easily indicates we are aware of going through a form of transition, similar to that from childhood to maturity, or from maturity to old age and helplessness.
If we are anxious about teeth dropping out, it suggests there is a fear of getting old or undesirable, or an anxiety about maturing.
In a woman’s dream, teeth that are swallowed can sometimes signify pregnancy, a wish to be pregnant, or an issue with sex.
Nakedness indicates self-image. We desire to be seen for what we are, to reveal our essential personality without having to create a facade.
To interpret a dream of walking down a street naked will depend on whether we are seen by other people or not:
- If we are seen by others, there may be something about ourselves that we wish to reveal.
- If we are alone we may simply have a wish for freedom of expression.
For both men and women, returning to a sense of innocent pleasure and appreciation of the human body can be perceived in dreams as nudity. If dreaming of someone of the opposite sex who are naked when we are not, the dream might indicate that the other person is more vulnerable than we are.
Dreaming of pregnancy usually denotes a fairly protracted waiting period being necessary for something, possibly the completion of a project. A new area of our potential or personality is developing.
Interestingly enough, for a woman to dream of pregnancy seldom actually means her own pregnancy, although it can indicate pregnancy in someone around her.
For a man, dreaming of the pregnancy of his wife or partner can indicate his willingness to take on extra responsibility.
Flight is a common image when seeking spiritual freedom. To be flying upwards is to be moving towards a more spiritual appreciation of our lives, while flying downwards is to be making an attempt to understand the subconscious and all that entails.
Flying in dreams denotes freedom from physical inhibitions and is a recognized aspect of astral travel (the soul’s ability to transcend its physical existence) and of lucid dreaming.
In dreams, sexuality, in the sense of feeling desire for someone else is a basic primeval urge for closeness and union. It is as though we are searching for a part of ourselves that we have lost and the other character in the dream represents the closest we can get to that part. If we were a fully integrated human being, we would have no need for sex with someone else, but most of us have an inherent desire to be united with everything that is not part of our own ego.
I hope you’ve found this helpful and I’d love to hear about your dreams and their meaning.
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