We all need friends and a tribe to fully thrive. Friends come and go and our tribe changes from time to time. However, you are truly blessed if you have that one friend with whom you have a deep connection, someone you might talk to every week or even every year. Yet you never lose that connection and always start back up where you left off. You just deeply connect with this person and feel like you’ve known them your whole life.
I was blessed to meet my soul sister at age 12 when my parents relocated from June Lake, California to Kanab, Utah. I was not happy being uprooted from the only friends I knew since the age of three. I had to start over again and it was terrifying to say the least.
My soul sister, a new friend at the time, invited me to a play at the high school and asked me to meet at her house. I was very excited because I didn’t have that many friends yet and it made me feel good to be included and accepted.
At the time, I was so intrigued by her because she was everything I wasn’t:
- She was tall and I was short.
- She had auburn hair and I had blonde hair.
- She was Mormon and I was Christian (which was a big deal in the 90’s in Southern Utah).
- She was flirtatious and I was shy.
- She was fashionably late, and I was never late.
- She was funny and I couldn’t make someone laugh unless I tripped.
- She was the pretty girl, and I was the cute girl.
We were, and still are, yin and yang and since the night of the play, we were instant best friends!
I laughed at all her silly ways, she listened to my stories, we both enjoyed music and listened to the latest songs on the radio, we went to school dances together, gushed over the boys, cried over the boys, danced in the rain, rode our bikes in the rain, talked about our dreams and what life would be like when we are adults. We didn’t care what anyone thought about our shenanigans because we were young girls just having fun!
Her and I truly realized we had something special between us when we played the game Taboo. She would draw a card with a word that she would need to describe without using the “Taboo” words that might make it too easy to guess. She would only have to say one word and I would know the answer and vice versa. She and I were having a great time unlike our opponents because they didn’t seem to stand a chance.
As we became teenagers, she fell in love, had a beautiful baby boy, and moved away with her new family. I was left with another year of high school. My energy dropped but I found some new friends to hang out with. We experienced new adventures, of course, including love and heartbreak. She was experiencing life as a wife and a mother in a new city, so both of our lives were new and a little scary.
As years went on and I moved away, she moved back to Utah and her family grew. We would talk and see each other occasionally but we never drifted apart or felt as if the friendship was in jeopardy. We always picked up where we left off and we never abandoned each other.
Our bond is that of sisters by choice. Our souls knew each other, and we are true family. Neither of us judge one another for our decisions and differences. We don’t feel jealous of the other. We are genuinely happy for each other and we’re there if one of us is going through tough times and it’s really hard. When she is happy, I am happy! Her happy moment will lift me up knowing she is in a good place. We choose to be sisters and the time and space between us is no match for the bond we share with each other.
Here we are 30 years later and intentionally carving out time for phone calls, texts, and visits. Kids are grown, money is stable, and our partners / husbands are doing well. Even though we are connected no matter what, it’s more fun spending time and sharing space with your best friend and soul sister.
I’ve lived in southern Missouri for 22 years and have had very few visitors. When my soul sister mentioned she wanted to come and visit me in 2018, I was ecstatic! When she arrived, the weather was cold, but my heart was warm. We were limited to what we could do but I didn’t care as long as we spent time together. We attended a banquet, toured Branson, got facials, and talked for hours upon hours.
In 2019, I flew out to Salt Lake, Utah to attend her wedding. I met all of her beautiful friends, spent time with her kids that are now adults, stayed in their gorgeous home, soaked in natural hot springs, and created lovely memories.
Then, she called me up in early 2021 and invited me to a girls’ trip over the summer: “We will travel through Utah and Arizona and stop at all the destinations we can fit in.” I, of course, said YES! We had the most amazing time, driving to Moab, Utah and Arches National Park through Monument Valley to Sedona, Arizona where we practiced some guided spiritual journeys, received physic readings, bought crystals, and embraced everything we could fit in. We can’t leave out all the many hours of conversations about life, love and what the future holds.
My soul sister and I are bonded for life, and we take the time to honor that friendship. I’d love to hear about your soul friend if you are fortunate enough to have one.
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